
I discovered the world of the Shadowhunters (I'm sorry but am I the only one, out of all you who have watched the movie trailer, who imagines Madame Dorothea's voice saying it every time?) after I saw the trailer for the movie (City of Bones: The Mortal Instruments). And boy did I get into something. Reading these books are like stepping into a whole nother world for me where Nephilim teenage girls and guys my age fight to protect humans (or mundanes) from demons and mundanes discover hidden gifts and ancient runes drawn on skin protect and heal. Gahh! I can't even begin to describe how awesome it is.

And then when I reach the last page (and read it twice, by the way), I sort of absent-mindedly flip through the rest of the pages: the acknowledgements, the historical notes, the author's note. And I'm in a daze for the rest of the day just running over the events again and again.

I've read books 1-3 in the Mortal Instruments series and book 1 of the Infernal Devices series. All of them were awesome. Staggeringly, breathtakingly...awesome. Seriously, I may not be tripping around and fumbling for my balance physically but my mind is still reeling from my adventure. Because today, dear friends, I finished Clockwork Angel (aforementioned book 1 of Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare.

The characters are awesomely varied and realistic. The humor is cutting and dry (the best kind, in my ever so humble opinion). And the author has this annoying habit of ending the book right when something excruciatingly important is about to happen. You may blame her if someone finds me ripping out my hair in a lonely, dark corner, whilst wailing in despair.

I have also visited the website for the movie many times (gone through the cast many times, watched all four of the movie trailers many times...I think you get the picture) and taken a quiz that's supposed to tell you what you are. A vampire, werewolf, fairy, warlock, or shadowhunter. I got shadowhunter, yay!

And, now that I've finished my awful long speech... you need to go read all of Cassandra Clare's books. Pronto!



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