Blue Nail Polish, The Host, and Redecorating

A while ago there was a sale on nail polish at a Walgreen's my sister was going to get shots at. Turns out she never got her shots there, but I did score a couple bottles of nail polish (blue & silver) for a good deal. And I am totally loving the blue polish...

just had to show you :)

I make sure that all my nail polish has a sort of sparkly sheen, but not like glitter, more subtle. Lacquer shine, or something, I believe it's called.

Yesterday, I watched The Host (which is based on the book by Stephanie Meyer) and it was totally wicked! I haven't read the book, but I plan to try it out. If that isn't an indication of how good the movie was I don't know what is.

At first, I wasn't really sure because the trailer seemed slightly creepy... and when the main menu of the DVD came up there were two guys and one girl, so I though "oh, great. just great. another love triangle" but no it wasn't that at all it was something entirely different and unexpected and awesome.

Basically, the movie is about planet earth after an invasion of an alien species which use the humans' bodies as hosts for their souls. The alien takes over the host's body and controls its actions and what it says; however, there are a few scattered humans, called the Resistance, who are fighting the alien invasion (hiding away and killing themselves rather than getting taken). The story is focused on a Resistance girl who tries to kill herself when she is cornered, but doesn't die. So an alien gets put into her body in order to lead the others to the Resistance. This alien and the girl are two separate personalities. And the movie is so different and weird and amazing at the same time that I just sat on the couch staring into space listening to the credits music, contemplating what I had just seen. Yep.

I would recommend watching it.

Another awesome movie I watched recently online is The Croods which is animation and I love animation.  :D

I laughed so hard at the humor!! Oh my word, too funny. There is a caveman family (the Croods), who are the last caveman family left, and a handsome stranger. The Croods have only survived this long because of the Dad's extreme paranoia. 

His bedtime stories run a little something like this: "There was once a little bear who didn't understand that the rules her parents gave her were for her own safety, so one day she left the cave and climbed to the top of a tree, saw something new, and DIED!" 

I almost died laughing. 

I'm starting to smile right now just imagining it. 

Ahem, well, I moved my desk today! I might have switched my bed around if I had the same twin size frame, but now I have a double-sized bed and the double-sized bed is unmoveable. It has a hefty wooden frame. 

That's all for now. (Yes, you read right. No lists today.)

                                                        Signing out, 


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