Project 30 Days of Inspire: Day 4

Sometimes it's too easy to let yourself go, to wish for anything but now, and hope that tomorrow will be better but do nothing about today.

Today...listen to music.

Let it sooth you and speak to you. Let it fill in all the empty places. Plug those earphones in and jam out like a rock star. Cause you know what? You are one.

Unikke's March 18 Post


  1. You are so right! Sometimes all you can do is listen to the music. Hey Skylar, check out this post I did on music:

    I think you'll enjoy it :)

    1. I loved it! You're right, songs are like tangible emotions... they are amazing and powerful.

  2. Hey, I love that song! I haven't heard it before. Totally going in my playlist.

    1. It's pretty awesome, huh :D Whenever I listen to it I feel like dancing or doing something.

  3. I love music. :) It is one of my favourite things of ever. I really like the Book Thief soundtrack, which is what I'm currently addicted to (that and the Ender's Game soundtrack).

    1. Music is the best. :) I mean, how boring would long car drives be without music? I haven't listened to those movie seem to be ahead of me on those most of the time :D I'm going to check these out right now though! Especially Ender's Game. Was or was not the last scene EPIC (It was).


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