5 Ways to Make it Big Time (Or...something)

I have a super fun idea. Or at least I hope it will turn out that way. This relates to blogging (my idea will be at the very end of this post).

I love blogging because it's a way to show people your thoughts, experiences, and beliefs. I love it because if people follow your blog it's because they like it, not because they know you or are family. I love interacting with people in the blogosphere, and making friends, and the whole community feeling.

But let's be real, it's hard to gain a bigger audience. My blog is a needle in a haystack, a tiny blip in the huge universe of the Internet, but I've discovered several ways to increase visibility. (I tried so hard to find a GIF of Ellie saying, "Visibilityyyy? Unlimited." but I couldn't.)

1. Link-ups are great ways to increase blog traffic. And they're fun. Besides that, you get the opportunity to visit other great blogs and find new bloggy friends! (That sounded less creepy in my head.)

Some Great Link-Ups:
Waiting on Wednesday
Stacking the Shelves

2. Comment on the blogs you read and, if you want, put a link to your blog. Chances are at least one person will click it out of curiosity. Another thing is, I used to not comment at all, and then one day I just thought, "Hey, I would love to get comments on my blog posts so I should totally comment on my favorite blogs." I know. It was enlightening. :D

Personally, I think that even if my blog gets really big, I will always appreciate the time that different people take to share their thoughts with me, tease me, or just say how much they liked my post.

3. Find a way to review in exchange for books. Pros? You get free books. Com one, what's better than that?

No, you don't have to get ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies). You can go on Goodreads and participate in Read and Reviews, which is pretty much the way to go if you don't have many followers since most companies that supply reviewers with books want their blogs to have at least 30 to 50 followers.

Cons? You have to have your reviews up by a certain time and you have to put them up on quite a few websites. I would recommend that you make a Goodreads account if you don't have one.

Places to check out (if you have a low followers count):
Bethany House Publishers

4. Get involved with other blogs. Ask a blogger if they'll do a guest post for you. If you see blogs looking for a guest blogger, consider it and see if it's something you would like to do.

5. Make friends. It's fun! Actively try to find other small blogs. The best way to do this is not through Google. That will only bring up the most popular or biggest blogs. Instead, go to a blog you like that has a good amount of followers and just browse their followers list. Chances are, someone has a blog. Chances are, you'll like it. The odds are in your favor. 


I'm trying to put together a page or pages that will have lists of blogs looking for guest writers and bloggers willing to be guest writers. I'm also thinking of putting stuff like links to free resources (or just good resources) specifically for bloggers and fun link-ups. Thoughts? Oh, and if you want to be on the looking-for-guest-blogger or wants-to-volunteer-as-a-guest-blogger lists, just comment on the "All Things Guest Blogging" page or email me. If you have a website or know of a website that offers free blogging resources, comment on the "Resources & Link-Ups" page.


  1. Hi! Thank you a lot for this post. I just started blogging, so I found it really useful. I would love to be on the list of blogs looking for guest writers and if you need any help setting up the pages I would love to. Also I really appreciate your use of up gifs.

    Audry from avoidingsocialinteraction.blogspot.com

    1. I'm glad this post helped you! I'll make sure to put you on the looking-for-guest-writers list right away. I don't need any help setting up the pages right now (I'll definitely let you know when I do) but I would love it if you had any suggestions for link-ups, resources, blogs, etc. that I should check out for them. Also, if you have any suggestions for the new pages, go ahead and tell me! I won't mind :D

      I love Up! and these GIFs were just too adorable to resist. :P

  2. Huzzah for comments! I actually only had that enlightening I-should-comment-on-everyone's-blogs just at the end of last year. I kind of just sat around thinking people should comment on MINE. But then, booyah! Blogging friends. And now I read a lot of blogs, but I know sooo many cool people. Like *cough* you, see? It's genius, that whole commenting thing.

    1. Aww, thanks. *goes for a hug* Wait. No. Ew. *hands chocolate* There we go. Phew. I've made a few friends too and it's awesome! (You are too of course)

      It was the same for me and comments are definitely genius. I don't know why I didn't think other people would like to get comments when I love getting comments. The mysteries of the brain are amazing...

  3. I love all the Up gifs! :D And this is great advice, thanks!

    1. Yay! I didn't know if this would be really useful or not because I haven't been blogging too long. I'm so glad it helped :D

      (GIFs are my secret obsession. Ellie is so darn cute.)


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