Back to College! (Room Tour)

I got back to college for my second semester on Sunday evening. Today was my first day of classes. And I thought since I never did my whole "Here's my awesome dorm room" post, I'd do it today.

Of course, this time around it was way less stressful and lonely and awful. POSITIVE THINGS. YAY. I've started getting hungry a lot faster again though. I'm having trouble keeping up with my stomach here.

**I apologize beforehand for the bad quality of the photos.

my book case AKA the center of my life

I have a book case! Because my parents are fabulous. And my mom has a thing about stuff absolutely having to go somewhere specific. Psh.

On the top is my hotpot (very useful for making essentials like instant noodles and hot chocolate), the first letter of my name made out of a book (A gift from a friend. It has honest to goodness pages inside. I'm not sure whether I should cry with sadness or happiness), and a bin with dishes and snacks that I want easy access to.

The top shelf holds books (school and fun, fiction and nonfiction) and my awesome fedora. You cannot deny the rainbow stripes.

The middle shelf has many awesome books. The few I could bring from home without weighing down my car too much. ;)

The bottom shelf is food. In other words, one of the most important parts of the room. Both bins are full of different instant noodles and other Asian snacks. I have Srirachi chili sauce in the middle too!

my reading lounge AKA beanbag of fabulousness

This baby is the BEST to read in. Studying...well, I've tried. It doesn't work if you lean back and relax. True story.

This is pretty straight forward. *grins* Beanbag, pillow, cozy blanket. Perfect recipe for napping and not finishing your homework.

I have emphasized that I like resting here right?

my dresser AKA the holder of garments

Isn't it beautiful?

It's so un-average and un-cheap and just screams quality. *sarcasm*

my desk AKA the place for my laptop...and things

My desk gets messy so easy because I am like the worst study-er ever. Not like how I study, but my organization of study supplies and textbooks...I tend to stack and pile and spread.

I tidied it up just for you! Here you can see the essentials. Boring stuff like pens and pencils. Exciting stuff like my kindle, tootsie rolls, my purple headphones, and an awesome tiger painting (not done by me unfortunately).

my refrigerator AKA protector of perishables

We (me and my roomie) have a cute little whiteboard to write notes on and stuff. :) She drew this awesome panda RIDING A SKATEBOARD to welcome me back. What is better than a panda riding a skateboard? Also, I got these adorable magnets that are actually apps. And they're perfect.

my whole half of a room

This isn't exactly accurate since it's from my first week at college and I have more stuff now (like the bookcase and the beanbag etc.), but it gives you a pretty good idea of my space. :) I really love the lofted bed set up!

I hope you guys liked this. I had fun writing about where I live now. :) Is not the desk-under-bed cool? Also, I'm thinking about doing a post sometime in the near future about my roommate! Would you like reading something like that?


  1. You dorm room is so cute!!! :) But I don't think I'd get anything done with that super duper comfortable-looking beanbag chair just sitting there, waiting to be used. I wouldn't want to leave the poor thing all alone. Ever.

    1. Thanks :) THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. It reduces my productivity to zero. XD Bean bags don't do well when they're lonely *nods wisely*

  2. YESSSS. I've been wanting you to do a post on this. Your dorm room definitely looks better than it did last semester. >.> (this means that I doubt this will last very long) You should do more posts about your life at college!!!

    1. I'm glad you like it! Well, someone's being mean <.< (IT'S ON.) What kinds of stuff would you like to see? *grins*


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