Right Now I'm Reading...

Well, in a literal sense, I'm not reading anything at the moment, but I'm going to show you the books I have acquired recently. :)

I picked up these three books at a used-books store today.

The bookstore had been organized differently from the last time I'd been there and they had a WHOLE new YA section. I saw quite a few books that have been floating around the blogosphere because they're famous, but were unfortunately also quite expensive.

So I decided to get three books published not so recently.

The Girl Who Could Silence the Wind by Meg Medina
Eon by Alison Goodman
The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint

I got so lucky. As I was browsing the Middle Grade section, I saw a book (The Girl Who Could...eh, you get the idea) that looked pretty interesting and actually seemed YA to me but oh well. I flipped through the very first few pages and saw...a signature. It's signed!! Win for me. ;)

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

I haven't read City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare yet because 1) I haven't caught up on the series yet and 2) I don't own it, it's not at my library, AGHH. Yeah, anyways, I'm almost caught up now!

A review on Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong
Discussion/Review of the Vampire Academy movie

What are you reading right now? Have you read any of these books?


  1. I JUST started Cassandra Clare's books. (As you know ;) And heck am I hooked. I need mooooore. I'm reserving book #2 from my library ASAP. I'm loving that spine of The Blue Girl. x) I never really got into Eon, but I don't think I gave it much of a chance. ;) I have to be in the right headspace to try Epic Fantasy or else I get lost very very fast.

    1. Hooked is very, very good. ;) I blew through the first three books in the TMI series extremely fast so all of that part of the story sort of blurs together :P therefore, I can't gush about it or anything. *sobs*

      The spine of The Blue Girl is gorgeous! It's what caught my attention (ya know, because books aren't put in bookcases with their spines out...ehehe...he... >.>) I can understand that. My sister gets impatient with anything that goes to slowly for her...so I'll be like "Hey, here's a nice historical fiction/fantasy I think is really good" and she'll be like "No." *throws it back in my face* That said, the cover is delicious ;)

  2. I haven't read Sea of Shadows but I think I might. Maybe. It depends. I hope you enjoyed it though!

    1. So sorry for taking this long to answer, Samantha! When I saw the cover of Sea of Shadows there was no way I wasn't gonna snatch that right off the shelf ;) I'm gonna be posting a review soon!


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