Sunday Swoons #1: 5 of My All Time Favorite/Most Swoon Worthy YA Relationships

This is a brand new link-up hosted by Briana @Reader, Writer, Critic. Every Sunday Briana is going to discuss, list, rave about, fangirl (or fanboy) about, quote, or mention something totally swoon worthy that she's read. AND all you have to do to join in is link back using the handy linky button that will be on her posts and mention her in your post. Check out her first post here. This is going to be so fun! (Even though I'm joining late)

5 of My All Time Favorite/Most Swoon Worthy YA Relationships
(not in order)

1. Mara & Noah from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

What can I say? Mara and Noah are meant for each other. They are both broken but they hold each other together. There's physical attraction, yes, but it's more than that. Mara insults Noah! I mean, come one, that alone gives them many points. I ship them SO HARD. 

2. Joy & Indelible Ink from Indelible.

Joy and Indelible Ink were just so gosh dang sweet together. I loved the way that Joy fell in love with Indelible (at this point I can't remember if he was called Indelible or Ink for short. just go with the flow) even though he was SO different, not even human. And most of all, I loved reading the way that he looked at and treated Joy. There were so many emotions--joy, pride, love--but always wonder. 

3. Jace & Clary from The Mortal Instruments series.

What is their ship name? I don't even know. (Googles it) Well. Turns out even the TMI fandom is confused. Is it Jalary or Clace? (I'm going with Clace) Clace was forever for me almost as soon as I started reading about them. There was a connection, dynamics, something. They fit. And although I could do with a little less of their frenzied making out sessions, they are an awesome couple. Kicking butt in black. Hey, they know how to do it right.

4. Mary & James from A Spy in the House

Mary and James are not well-known. In fact, their romance isn't even a big part of the books (at least the first one) that they're in. However, I totally support their couple-age. First of all, best sarcasm in a posh English voice. Second of all, uh, they're cute together.

P.S. It's fun seeing James alternate between awkwardness and falling-in-love-ish-ness and frustration and curtness.

5. Mallory & Oliver from Going Vintage

I love Mallory all by herself. I love Oliver all by himself. Put them together and what have you got?

No, but seriously, they are awesome. They're like best friends (teasing each other and stuff) but also meant for each other romantically. *wiggles eyebrows*


  1. Thanks for linking up! I ship Clace and Mara and Noah almost made my list! Great choices! ;)

    1. No problem! As soon as I saw your linkup I was like "Oooh I have to do this." Clace and Mara & Noah are awesome aren't they ;) My sister just told me that Mara & Noah's ship name is Madness. Apparently that's what their initials spell! I thought that was SO cool.


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