Giveaway! (Hint: It starts with a 'b' and ends with 'Susan Dennard swag')

As I promised *jazz hands* a giveaway!

This is not a gigantic or even slightly large giveaway because I wanted it to be international and postage...yeah. But this is fun and collectible and I'm so happy I've got something to give away. Seriously, I was scared I wasn't gonna be able to come up with something.

The giveaway features signed 'Something Strange & Deadly' and 'Strange & Ever After' (by Susan Dennard) bookmarks. There will be one winner and the giveaway is international. Spread the word (even though I know that of course you want this all to yourself ;) ) and enter!

And while we're on the subject, you should really check out Susan Dennard's amazing trilogy (the pictures are linked to the books' Goodreads pages):

This giveaway will last for about a week. When it's over, I'll try to get the bookmarks in the mail as soon as possible along with a short note from mwah.

Let the games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love your (blogs) new look! :) Thanks for the giveaway! I can totally relate to the international postage thing...I have yet to do an international giveaway because I have no money, but one will be on the way in a few months or so I promise!

    I am looking forward to reading anything and everything!

    1. Thank you! :) It was time for change I think and it was so fun re-designing. Ugh, I KNOW, I want to do an international book giveaway (someday) but I'm kinda scared of the damage it would do to my very shallow pockets :D I'll definitely check out your giveaway when the time comes.

      Me too! I have an ever-growing TBR list and so many great books have come or will come out this year.

  2. AHHHH, GIVEAWAY!!!! AND IT'S INTERNATIONAL!!! *tackle hugs Skylar* THANK YOUUUU!!!! Living in New Zealand (the country that NO ONE knows about) gives me not much chance to enter US, AU and UK only giveaways, so whenever there's an international giveaway, I celebrate noisily ;)
    Bookmarks are a FRABJOUS idea for a giveaway!! And signed ones?!?!?! *drools*
    I LOOVVVEEE your new blog design!! It's so fresh and clean and sharp and...FRABJOUS!! You're really talented! :) I'm currently poking around my blog design getting completely lost *sigh* I don't understand computers. :/

    1. YAY I KNOW I'M SO EXCITED THAT IT'S INTERNATIONAL EVEN THOUGH I'M THE ONE DOING THE GIVEAWAY. *jumps up and down* No problem! I know that I don't have as much to complain about since I live in the US but I've missed out on quite a lot of good AUS giveaways ;) So I understand.
      *drools with* And these bookmarks are sooo gorgeous too.
      Thank you! I'm so glad you like it! I'd been wanting to change it up for a while now :) Gosh *blushes* I just really like playing around with designing on my blog.
      Aww, poor Ella. If you ever need any help or tips I'd be glad to help :D

  3. Eeek!!! This is awesome! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  4. I'm really looking forward to reading Unravel by Imogen Howson.

    1. I haven't heard of Unravel before but it looks really interesting :)

  5. Thank you for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to reading Ruin and Rising, which I actually just picked up from the library! :D

    1. No problem! :D I've heard so many good things about The Grisha series but sadly I haven't read them yet. >.< Major cover love!

  6. I'm looking forward to reading Ruin and Rising :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. A lot of people are looking forward to that book I think :D I'm a little out of the loop at the moment as I haven't had the chance to check out all the books releasing soon, but I can't wait to read Alice in Zombieland (which currently rests on my desk).

  7. I reaaally need to read this series. :P Like, very soon.

    1. You reaaaally do ;) It's an awesome combination of zombies + steampunk.

  8. Oh my gosh I love bookmarks and thanks for making it international!

    1. No problem! I'm so excited that I could make it international :))

      And, gahh, I know. I love collecting all sorts of little nick-knack type things, so swaggy bookmarks are SO awesome.


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