If I Fall (You Better Catch Me or I'll Punch You)
To me, whenever I like a book so much that I want to curl up in a ball and hug it forever, it's because of the characters. The characters breathe life into the words. And when I get a story idea, it usually starts with a character. I am having so much fun writing for two characters in a co-written book-- If I Fall. It's really helped me mature with writing distinctive voices. And so I give you (dun, dun, dun) snippets from this current WIP... and some cool pictures from pinterest as well. © 2013 All characters and story snippets are the works of me and my co-writer. Do not copy without express permission or without crediting the original authors. Caster Skylar The reason why Caster is blank is because my co-writer is being extremely picky about what person to agree on (If I Fall is sort of a fanfic of one of her original novels so...I have to defer to her. unfortunately). I'm not sure about Sk...