The Extraordinary Means Blog Tag
I'm popping in to do a quick tag that Lily from Lily's Notes in the Margins said allll her readers could do. So I'm doing it. BEHOLD, the Extraordinary Means Blog Tag. 1. I would give up the internet for a month for a signed first edition of this book. *chokes* WHAT. Did those words just come out of your mouth? Disclaimer: Just because I'm doing this tag doesn't mean I would ever willingly go without internet for a month. Ever. But, IF this were to happen, I would want a Pride and Prejudice copy. 2. I would give up pizza for a year if it meant I could sit next to this author on a long plane ride. (I don't think the people who made this tag understand my life. Or pizza for that matter.) Susan Dennard, the author of the Something Strange and Deadly series, is seriously hilarious on Twitter. Not that that even makes this situation realistic because I don't talk to people. It's dangerous. I've heard it causes stress and pain. 3. I would ...