More Vlogs and Goodbye (for two weeks)

I had loads of fun doing The Raven Boys vlog last time and I would love your feedback on it right here, if you don't mind.

This is just so I can get a feel for how many people are actually benefiting or enjoying the vlogs I might do in the future. No pressure ;)

Here's the link:

Thanks! Have some dessert..

I'm making myself hungry. *salivates* I'd better stop before I try to eat these delicious things off my screen.

Also, I've decided to put Life of a Random on a very short hiatus. I need to pull back because my school year's winding down and I need to buckle down and do some intense studying. I say "short" because I should be back to posting regularly by the beginning of June or so.

I'm really sorry but I need to concentrate on school (unfortunately). I'll still pop up around the blogosphere and comment on your blogs and I might post a couple posts here.

DON'T FORGET ME. If you do, I will come to your house and spray paint skulls on your door (which would be way more threatening if I actually had that skill).



  1. *applauds* Hahahahaa!! That, "DON'T FORGET ME. If you do, I will come to your house and spray paint skulls on your door (which would be way more threatening if I actually had that skill)." OMG, SO FUNNY. Wipes tears out of eyes* Ohh, have a nice two weeks off. Blogging can be stressful I've found, even though I've only been blogging for a few weeks, (what would I know?) and you totally deserve a break! Eat lots of chocolate! XD

    1. XD Glad I could make you laugh!

      Thank you :) Yeah, blogging can definitely be stressful sometimes (and you are completely right despite only blogging a few weeks ;) ) but I'll be back soon because I LOVE it. And I can't wait to be busy on it the WHOLE ENTIRE summer. *grins*
      *screams* CHOCOLATE. Yes. Ahem. I will definitely eat chocolate with the utmost manners. >.>


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