Top Ten Covers I'd Frame as Pieces of Art

The time has come for the fantastic weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday aka TTT over at The Broke and the Bookish. When I saw the topic for this week's TTT, I was so excited! But then depression set in because how. How was I supposed to choose ten (only ten) covers? Well, I did it. Finally. So, in no particular order, I give you:

Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard


This cover is exquisite. I'm pretty sure it's digitally created (LOVE) and the dress is amazing and the lace on her arms...ugh, I need it please. Also, if you look closely there are gears in the background-- everything a steampunk cover should be.
Shatter Me, Unravel Me, and Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi


There is no way this list would be complete with these gorgeous covers. And, yes, I'm counting all three as one.

By the way, did you notice that in Shatter Me the eye is crying really hard, in Unravel Me there's only a lone teardrop falling, and in Ignite Me the eye is dry? I thought that was pretty cool.

Tiger's Curse and Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck


These covers are so vibrant and vivid! How often do you see covers featuring tigers? And the covers add to the "exotic" feel. I have the first book and sometimes I just look at it and stroke it. (I am very normal. Why do you ask?)
 Indelible by Dawn Metcalf


I fell in love with this cover as soon as I saw it. It looks like the rose is painted onto rough stone with pastels and then outlines with darker ink. *le sigh*
 All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill


I love the contrast in this cover. The black and white background and vivid orange clock are awesome pairings. 
 Breathe by Sarah Crossan


Once again, gorgeous. I love the cracked dry ground leading up to the bubble encased city. The purple hues are awesome too and make it seem a little bit more sci-fi-ish or alien.
 Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige 


There's no denying I like abstract covers. And the font. The font. Come to me, my lovely.
 Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch


Is not everything about this wonderful? The title is awesome! And I really like the two opposite seasons shown inside the stone symbol.
 Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira


Everything about this screams "Hang me on your wall. NOW." The hues are so calm and the stars are beautiful. And also, font love. I can't help it. 
 Death by the Book by Julianna Deering

I did say I liked abstract covers and this one looks really vintage as well. :) The cover design is great! (I probably shouldn't mention the font again should I?)

Link me up, peeps. I want to see what you think are works of art come to us in book form? (which is like having brownies and chocolate) 


  1. Ahh, All Our Yesterdays, aka one of the most gorgeous covers on the face of the planet. It's funny that this is the Top Ten Tuesday topic, because I read a book today with a cover so adorable that I refuse to donate the book though I really disliked it.

    1. That has totally happened to me too. :) Pretty covers are can't get rid of them. *mine*
      All Our Yesterdays is SO gorgeous. The colors and the clock in the cobblestone. YES. Add to that, the story sounds pretty good too. ;)

  2. Haha I think the Shatter Me series is kind of a common choice between everyone. I remember hating the FIRST cover, which is why I hadn't picked up the book yet. Great choices!

    1. Thanks! Hehe yeah the Shatter Me series definitely has very popular covers. They're just so vibrant and unique!

      The first cover, on the other hand. Not so gorgeous. I think that put off a lot of people on reading it. (Just shows how much we do judge books by their covers ;)

  3. Beautiful covers, especially Shatter Me, Snow Like Ashes and Breathe.

    1. I know right?!! Beautiful book covers are gifts from heaven. And I agree, those three definitely stand out :)

  4. I nearly put Dorothy Must Die on mine too! If that just had a quote over the top of it....TOTALLY wall worthy. x) And Indelible is delicous, right?! Which is interesting that I say it's "delicious", becuase I spent 88% reading it thinking the title was "Inedible" and I was like, "Come on...when is the food coming in??!" -_-
    Love your picks!

    1. Indelible is COMPLETELY delicious. That would be a major let down. Waiting and then. No food. *shudders*
      I know, I love the Dorothy Must Die cover (it's to die So, therefore, I need to read that book. Immediately.


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