Book Haul + My First Guest Post (!)

Guys, guys, guys, guys. I did my very first guest post at Tansie Gray's blog Totally Tansie and it was awesome collaborating with her! Tansie's blog is full of hilarious book reviews, rants, and writing tips. I had a great time writing the post: "10 Ways to Make Your Sister Mad" I'd love it if you could pop over to Totally Tansie and check it out (And maybe leave a comment. Hint, hint).


I also went to my favorite used-books store last Sunday. I didn't get as many books as usual...Not many YA novels *gasp*. I felt unfulfilled. But I didn't want to spend what the books cost, so I snatched a few middle-grade types. 

A short fairytale re-telling of Sleeping Beauty in a funny, simple way. It's very short. 107 pages short.
Book 2 of the Percy Jackson series! Now I can finally read it and see how it measures up to the movie.
This is a boarding school mystery (complete with the popular clique).
The cover made me salivate (Ew, sorry. Gross.). It's gorgeous though, right? The font for the title is so swirly and mystical. This book is about a girl page who works for a library in New York (everything good...erm, exciting...happens in New York) that has a secret collection of magical items from the Grimm Brothers fairy tales. But things start to go missing and it's up to her and the rest of the pages to solve the mystery.  

I linked the titles to their Goodreads pages if you want to go check them out. And that's all for today. Have a good one. 


  1. I'm up to reading The Sea of Monsters, too! Just need to...find time. Or something. GAH. Too many books and not enough time! I really like the cover of The Grimm Legacy too. *stops self drooling* Congrats on guest posting too! Woot! That's awesome. :)

    1. What is time? Haha, just when I think I'm cutting through my TBR list I find another ten books to add. I need to clone myself so I can read twice as much XD

      *awkard happy dance* Thank you!! It was super fun :D


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