Vacation of a Homeschooler

I'm going to have a vacaaaation this week. Three days off for Thanksgiving! And since my college class falls right on Thanksgiving day, I won't have to go in (mwahahahaha). Technically, I have plans to do some constructive things. In actuality, I probably won't get much done. BUT I'm trying to put together a list that goes halfway in between those two extremes. Like catching up on school and reading a book on future physics, and writing for my blog, my WIP (work in progress), and just lying around in general. We'll see how that works out.

Books I'll be reading (hopefully):

The following books are R.E.A.D.S. since I haven't had time to go to the library (and it's freezing cold here, we don't need no Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer cause that's me every time I go outside). R.E.A.D.S. stands for Regional eBook & Audiobook Download System. In the words of Agent Ward from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. someone really wanted the initials to spell "reads."

I just discovered the top book while researching for an ethical paper (you probably don't want to hear about school though). I have been wanting to read Short-Straw Bride for eons. So I'm really excited about being able to read it, even though I like reading actual, physical books better than Kindle books. Psh no I don't have a Kindle. I have the Kindle app for PC. I'm posh like that ;)

I will be posting more often (hopefully). At least, until my next dual-enrollment class. Ok, back to Short-Straw Bride. Does anyone else find the idea of a whole band of brothers pulling straws for a bride totally intriguing/fascinating??

More things will be coming this week like: book reviews, days in the life, umm...oh, and maybe a guest post by Tansie Gray (you can visit her blog here).

Do you have any suggestions for what I should write about? If you do, please comment and tell me. I will beg on my knees if you continue to resist. And then there are the minions. I'm still recovering from their latest attack.



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