Top Ten Books I've Recently Added To My TBR

It's been a while since I did a Top Ten Tuesday buuuut I'm back! At least, for this Tuesday. :)) 

The Prom Goer's Interstellar Excursion by Chris McCoy

This sounds pretty ridiculous which is probably why I put it in my TBRs.

I know. My reasons are so profound.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

This is a beautiful (unique) cover and I'm all for books about time-travel.

Roommate Wanted by Nina Perez

First of all, in my opinion, the most interesting stories are about ordinary people who would've never noticed each other accept that somehow they now exist in each other's lives aka live in the same house.

Second of all... Yeah. I only had the one point.

Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid

I like lists. I like not being cliche. A story about trashing lists and being cliche? Hmm, interesting.

In all seriousness though, I've heard great things and I've been wanting to read it for a long time.

A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis

This book. sounds. breathtaking. It is a fact (or I'm pretty sure it is) that women were packed off to asylums sometimes in the olden days when they were too different or too outspoken (once again, I think. correct me if I'm wrong). Anyways, women + asylum + detective work. Yes.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

I have to admit. The whole best friend being worshiped by mountain lions threw me off. Just a little. But that's okay. This book sounds unique and different. I like unique and different.

The Girl with All the Gifts by M. R. Carey

The blurb has gotten me so curious. I've forgotten how this book came to my TBR but I shall read it eventually.

Reawakened by Colleen Houck

A re-animated Egyptian prince sounds like fun. Honestly, it sounds like Night at the Museum which I think is the perfect reason to read it because that movie is one of my all time favorites.

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

I read Red Queen and loved it to death. Thus, Glass Sword.

The Shadow Queen by C. J. Redwine

I have to admit... I was dragged into this one based entirely on appearances. LOOK AT THAT COVER. It is gorgeous. And besides, Snow White retelling? Um yes?

What are books that you've added to your TBR recently?


  1. psst...Passenger is incredible. I'm so close to finishing it and I love it so much. Plus, I'm all about that cover.

    I actually have Never Sometimes Always from the library right now, and I think it's the next one I'm going to read. That or Guardian, by Alex London. Roommate Wanted just got put on my TBR, because I love roommate plots. :D

    1. *whispers* I saw you squeeing over it on Twitter (?) and now I just really need to get my hands on it.

      The cover is SO. GORGEOUS.

      I've heard really good things about Never Sometimes Always and it sounds cool. Hehe, yay! *fist pump* Roommate stories are the best.


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