Things I Would Tell Younger Me
As you all know, college prep is upon me now. I am starting to dive into the enormous lake called "COLLEGE ADMISSIONS". It's a very scary place! And I'm discovering different little things I should have started preparing for one to two years before. I am not bashing my parents, but I have basically home schooled myself since 8th or 9th grade with the exception of scheduling, buying books, and occasional school exercises help. I haven't done to badly...I'm proud of what I have accomplished in that time with God's help. Buuuut, there are some things I totally wish I knew when I was younger and had time. 1. Do things. (Hehehe. -_- Don't laugh at me.) I don't know if you're socially awkward or if you're really talkative, but I'm definitely socially awkward. You wouldn't believe how long it took to get me to where I am today, which is-- I can talk with people I don't know reasonably well. Soo...that was way off topic. Sorry. Do...