
Showing posts from 2019

Love From A to Z COUNTDOWN BLOG TOUR: Love From A to Z Playlist

It has been an EON since I wrote up anything on this blog, so that should show you just how excited I am about a certain book called Love From A to Z . I'm the third stop on the blog tour/countdown courtesy of our very own Street Team, which means there are only FIVE GODBLESSED DAYS until it comes out! Graphic designed by the lovely Ara @Open Pages Like all my fellow posters, I have to thank @gildedwolves and @airyreads for putting this awesome street team together. It's been a really cool way to get back into doing bookish things and support a project I really love at the same time.  On my stop, I'm going to put together a playlist for Love From A to Z . I brainstormed so many ways of going about this, but I think I'm settling with taking the book title kind of quite literally and giving you 12 songs about love (not just the usual super sweet kind, though of course there'll be some of that too 😉) with names that start with each of the letters of...