Alice in Wonderland Tag/Tea Party Blog Tag

Like they always do, the Notebook Sisters have brought us another delicious tag that I had to participate in. Hope you enjoy! And go check out their take on the tag here and the rules and linky thing here (you only have a little over a day to join in :P).

The Questions:
1. Just Alice: What book cover(s) has made you super curious?

This cover is just so vivid and colorful and unique that it's practically irresistible. LOOK AT IT. 

This. *muffled screech* I could look at this all day. The colors are so intense. But, what makes it even more curiosity-inducing is that bubble around the city and the cracked, dry ground outside. 

I'll probably mention colors a lot. Those are what catch my eye first, like contrast or blending. And the clock imbedded in the cobblestone (I love cobblestone) is glowing and ugh. No resistance here. 

The amazing painted cover coupled with the title just grabbed at me so hard that I bought this one. I was crossing my fingers that the story would live up to the cover! Now I need the second book because WOAH, honey. That cover. 
Wait. "Super curious" is code for so-gorgeously-pretty-that-you-want-to-buy-them-just-because, right?

2. Mad Hatter: List the craziest character(s) you've ever read.

Hmm, this is hard. Unlike some people, not every book I read has a psychotic human. ;) *cough* Cait *cough* I'm literally looking blankly around my room trying to come up with something.

Okay, 1) Warner from Shatter Me, basically he was such a combination of desperate and infatuated and cruel-ness that hm yeah *backs away slowly*. 2) Barrington Whelk [aka crazy young teacher guy from The Raven Boys. Yeah, I didn't remember him by name either]. What to say? Whelk was the definition of not-right-in-the-head. His whole thought process just sickened me. Bad Whelk. 3) Soren, the dude in Under the Never Sky that somehow had a tan when nobody else did. He was just brutish. And viciously cruel for the sake of being cruel.

I think it's obvious I'm thinking about crazy like lunatic-crazy.

3. Red Queen, Off With Your Head! What book have you felt like beheading?

Oh my gosh-- Crater and Crescent by Homer Hickam. The premise was good and even interesting but I couldn't stand most of the characters. I think I'm starting to breathe hard just thinking about it.

4. White Rabbit: What books or series have been insanely popular but you've been "late" to pick them up?

Countless. I mean, seriously, I'm not very good at keeping up with the hype. I haven't read the Twilight series or Harry Potter series. I haven't read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series yet (but I have the first book in my room waiting), the Grisha series (Shadow & Bone, etc.), let me think.

Splintered series by A. G. Howard, anything by John Green, anything by Rainbow Rowell, etc. etc. I could go on, at the risk of making a few people angry. ;)

5. Caterpillar: What's the most confusing book you've read?

As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott. Nothing made sense, nothing connected. I even checked to see if I had mistakenly borrowed a sequel and not the first book. It was that bad. I DNF'd it.

6. Dormouse: What was the last book that sent you to sleep?

Valley of Dreams by Lauraine Snelling. There was a lot of description and the majority of the book described a long trip across the lands of America by wagon. It might have been interesting if I liked the characters more or if something had happened, but nothing did. No. The food descriptions were good though. 

7. Cheshire Cat: Book that made you laugh and smile?

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare. Because Jace is hilarious. Let me give you a sampling:
"Medium clever," Simon acknowledged. "Like a cross between George Clooney in Ocean's Eleven and those MythBsusters guys, but, you know, better looking."

"I'm always so glad I have no idea what you're vacantly chattering about," said Jace. "It fills me with a sense of peace and well-being."
"Alec keeps sending me annoying photos. Lots of captions like 'Wish you were here, except not really'."

8. Knave of Hearts: Most recent character who stole your heart?

As in, sort of like romantically? kindred spirits? Or someone I was deeply empathetic with? I'm making this too complicated aren't I. Okay.

Jem and Will from The Infernal Devices (everybody in that series needs a gigantic hug, seriously). NO. DO NOT TELL ME TO PICK WHICH ONE I WANT TO GO WITH TESSA. NO.

Update: I just finished reading The Clockwork Princess. My heart cannot go on.

9. Jabberwocky: Best villain you've read this year?

Romeo from Juliet Immortal. I think he's the best I've read this year because it was extremely hard to tell whether he was all evil or if he had a little good in him. I hated him. But then I also empathized and felt sorry for him. It was extremely annoying.

10. Down the Rabbit Hole: What's the latest book/series/author that's completely swallowed your interest?

I've gotten back into the shadowhunter world which means all things Cassandra Clare. Woop! I love the characters. And the world. And the shadowhunter gear. Basically everything.


  1. I haven't read Daughter of Smoke & Bone either, but I've heard it's extremely good... and that cover... *grabby hands*

    1. I've heard amazing things about it too! And I mean, the main character has blue hair...naturally. YES, PLEASE.

  2. I am about to enter the Shadow Hunter literally. After I finish here I AM OFF TO CITY OF BONES. *dons tinfoil armour* OH. But I see you accusing me of always reading psycho characters. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I AM INNOCENT. *mentally lists 5 or 67 psycho characters who are my favourites*

    Thanks for linking up with us!. XD I'd offer you cake, buuuut...I ate it all.

    1. OMG YES. You're reading City of Bones (by now I know that you're loving the humor because of your post and squee)!

      XD Psh, well I don't know what I was talking about. Of course, you're innocent. *stares pointedly at posts where Cait gushes about Warner and Morpheus*

      Oh, no problem. It was super fun! :) Well then. I don't suppose you feel sorry enough to make me some more? XD


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